The five values of Scrum, central to its methodology and philosophy, are:

  1. Commitment: This value emphasizes the team’s dedication not only to the work they do but also to the Scrum process itself. Team members commit to achieving their goals and continuously strive to improve both their work and the way they work.

  2. Courage: Courage in Scrum refers to the team’s ability to face challenges, speak up, and tackle difficult problems. It involves being brave enough to question what is wrong and to make changes, even if these actions might be uncomfortable.

  3. Focus: Focus is about giving undivided attention to the tasks at hand. Scrum teams prioritize their workload and concentrate on a limited number of tasks at a time, which enhances efficiency and output quality.

  4. Openness: This value pertains to being transparent about the work and challenges. Team members are open about their progress, their struggles, and their learning. This openness fosters a culture of trust and collaborative problem-solving.

  5. Respect: Respect in a Scrum team is about acknowledging and valuing each member’s skills and contributions. It involves treating each other with dignity and working harmoniously in spite of differences or disagreements.

These values are foundational to the Scrum framework and guide the behavior and mindset of Scrum teams, helping them work together effectively and achieve high levels of performance.