Scrum Event that is set to a time-boxed of 4 hours, or less, to conclude the development work of a Sprint. It serves for the Scrum Team and the stakeholders to inspect the Increment of product resulting from the Sprint, assess the impact of the work performed on overall progress toward the Product Goal and update the Product backlog in order to maximize the value of the next period.

  • Purpose: To inspect the outcome of the sprint and determine future adaptations.
  • Participants: The Scrum Team (Development Team, Scrum Master, and Product Owner) and key stakeholders invited by the Product Owner.
  • Process: The team presents what was accomplished during the sprint. The work should be “done,” meaning it meets the team’s definition of done (DoD).
  • Outcome: Stakeholder feedback is received, and the Product Backlog may be adjusted to include new insights or requirements.
