The Law of Small Numbers is a cognitive bias that describes the tendency of people to draw broad conclusions from small data sets. This term was popularized by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, two psychologists known for their work on cognitive biases and decision-making.

This bias leads individuals to infer patterns or trends from a small sample of data, believing that the small sample accurately represents the larger population. For example, if a person visits a new city and meets a few friendly locals, they might conclude that everyone in the city is exceptionally friendly, despite the small number of interactions.

Key aspects of the Law of Small Numbers include:

  1. Overgeneralization: Drawing broad conclusions from a limited number of observations or a small sample size.

  2. Misjudging Probability: Assuming that small samples will accurately reflect the properties of a larger population, ignoring statistical principles like the law of large numbers, which states that larger samples are more likely to be representative and provide more accurate estimates.

  3. Confirmation Bias: This bias often works in tandem with confirmation bias, where individuals look for information that supports their existing beliefs or hypotheses, even in minimal data.

The Law of Small Numbers can have significant implications, especially in decision-making, research, and statistical analysis. It can lead to incorrect conclusions and poor decisions because it overlooks the variability and potential biases inherent in small samples. Understanding this cognitive bias is crucial for anyone who works with data, conducts research, or makes decisions based on limited information, emphasizing the need for careful consideration of sample sizes and representativeness in statistical analysis.


-BOOK- Thinking, Fast and Slow