JIRA, also known as an Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tool, is a software product developed by Atlassian that provides issue tracking and project management capabilities. Primarily used in software development, JIRA helps teams plan, track, and manage agile Software Development projects. It allows for tracking bugs, managing Backlogs, and handling agile projects through methodologies like Scrum and Kanban.

As an ALM tool, JIRA encompasses the entire lifecycle of software development, from initial concept and planning stages through development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. It provides a central platform for managing software development processes, ensuring that all aspects of the application’s development are aligned and integrated.

JIRA’s features include customizable workflows, detailed reporting, and integration with a variety of other development tools. This makes it a versatile and powerful tool for managing complex software projects and processes, aligning with the broader objective of Application Lifecycle Management in facilitating efficient project execution and product delivery.

See also Confluence